Student Research Opportunities


Students from high school to doctoral level conduct research at the Yale Forests. All research projects are required to submit an application for review by the research committee before beginning fieldwork.  Opportunities may be available to conduct field data collection as part of an ongoing research project - email for information about current opportunities. 


The Kohlberg-Donohoe Research Fellowship provides funding for Yale students to conduct research at any Yale Forests property. 

The Taylor Research Fellowship provides funds for any YSE-affiliated researcher (students, post-docs, or faculty) to conduct research at Great Mountain Forest in northwest Connecticut. 


The Louise H. and David S. Ingalls Field Ecology Program is a summer internship for undergraduate students. Interns spend the summer working with professors, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate students on field data collection for projects in ecology.

The program runs for 9-10 weeks, from late May to the end of July. Exact dates vary by year. Projects are based at Yale-Myers Forest in northeastern Connecticut, where lodging is provided for all participants.

Questions? Contact the Research & Extension Forester at

Photo from A Andis