For the most up-to-date list of publications from research conducted at the Yale Forests, please see our Google Scholar page.
List of Publications, by Author
Aikens, M.L., Ellum, D.E., McKenna, J.J., Kelty, M.J., and Ashton, M.S. 2007. The effects of disturbance intensity on temporal and spatial patterns of herb colonization in a southern New England mixed-oak forest. Forest Ecology and Management 252: 144-158.
Ashton, P.M.S. 1992. Establishment and early growth of advance regeneration of canopy trees in moist mixed species broadleaf forest. In The Ecology and Silviculture of Mixed-Species Forests. Kelty, M.J., B.C. Larson, & C.D. Oliver (Eds). pp. 101-125. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Ashton, P.M.S., and Berlyn, G.P. 1994. A comparison of leaf physiology and anatomy of Quercus (section Erythrobalanus-Fagaceae) species in different light environments. Amer. J. Bot. 81:589-597
Ashton, P.M.S., and Larson, B.C. 1996. Germination and seedling growth of Quercus (section Erythrobalanus) across openings in a mixed-deciduous forest of southern New England, USA. For.Ecol. Mgt. 80: 81-94.
Ashton, P.M.S., and Peters, C. 1999. Even-aged silviculture in tropical rainforests of Asia: Lessons learned and myths perpetuated. Journal of Forestry 97: 14-19.)
Ashton, P.M.S., Harris, P.G., Thadani, R. 1998. Soil seed bank dynamics in relation to topographic position of a mixed-deciduous forest in southern New England, USA. For Ecol. Mgt:111 15-22.
Ashton, P.M.S., Yoon, K., Thadani, R., & Berlyn, G.P. 1999. Seedling leaf structure of New England maples (Acer) in relation to light environment. Forest Science 45: 1-8.
Barrett, K.J. and Schmitz, O.J. “Effects of Deer Settling Stimulus and Deer Density on Regeneration in a Harvested Southern New England Forest,” International Journal of Forestry Research, vol. 2013, Article ID 690213, 11 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/690213.
Barton, B.T., and Schmitz, O.J. 2009. Experimental warming transforms multiple predator effects in a grassland food web. Ecology Letters 12: 1-9.
Barton, BT, AP Beckerman, and OJ Schmitz. 2009. Climate warming strengthens indirect interactions in an old-field food web. Ecology 90:2345-2451.
Barton, B.T. and O.J. Schmitz. 2018. Opposite effects of daytime and nighttime warming on top-down control of plant diversity. Ecology 99:13-20. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2062
Beckerman, A.P., Uriarte, M., and Schmitz, O.J. 1997. Experimental evidence for a behavior-mediated trophic cascade in a terrestrial food chain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 94: 10735-10738.
Benedek, K., Bálint, J., Máthé, I., Mara, G., Felföldi, T., Szabó, A., Fazakas, C., Albert, C., Buchkowski, R.W., Schmitz, O.J. and Balog, A., 2019. Linking intraspecific variation in plant chemical defense with arthropod and soil bacterial community structure and N allocation. Plant and Soil, 444(1-2), pp.383-397.
Berlyn, G.P., and Ashton, P.M.S. 1996. Sustainability of forests. J. Sust. For. 7: 141-157.
Bradford, Mark A., et al. “Climate fails to predict wood decomposition at regional scales.” Nature Climate Change (2014).
Brady, S. P. 2012. Road to evolution? Local adaptation to road adjacency in an amphibian (Ambystoma maculatum). Sci. Rep. 2.
Brady, S.P. 2013. Microgeographic maladaptive performance and deme expression in response to roads and runoff. PeerJ. 1:e163.
Brady, S. P., J. L. Richardson, and B. K. Kunz. 2017. Incorporating evolutionary insights to improve ecotoxicology for freshwater species. Evolutionary Applications. DOI: 10.1111/eva.12507
Brady, S. P., and J. L. Richardson. 2017. Road ecology: Shifting gears toward evolutionary perspectives. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15:1–8. DOI: 10.1002/fee.1458
Buchkowski, R.W., Leroux, S.J. and Schmitz, O.J., 2019. Microbial and animal nutrient limitation change the distribution of nitrogen within coupled green and brown food chains. Ecology, 100(5), p.e02674.
Buchkowski, R.W., Schmitz, O.J. and Bradford, M.A., 2019. Nitrogen recycling in coupled green and brown food webs: Weak effects of herbivory and detritivory when nitrogen passes through soil. Journal of Ecology, 107(2), pp.963-976.
Buchkowski, R.W., and O.J. Schmitz. 2015. Detritivores ameliorate the enhancing affect of plant-based trophic cascades on N cycling in an old-field system. Biology Letters11:20141048.
Buchkowski, R.W., O.J. Schmitz, and M.A. Bradford. 2015. Microbial stoichiometry overrides biomass as a regulator of soil carbon and nitrogen cycling. Ecology 94:1139-1149. DOI: 10.1890/14-1327.1
Burchsted, D., Daniels, M., Thorson, R., and Vokoun, J. 2010. The river discontinuum: applying beaver modifications to baseline conditions for restoration of forested headwaters. BioScience 60: 908-922.
Denise Burchsted, Melinda Daniels, Ellen E. Wohl, Introduction to the special issue on discontinuity of fluvial systems, Geomorphology, Volume 205, 15 January 2014, Pages 1-4, ISSN 0169-555X.
Denise Burchsted, Melinda D. Daniels, Classification of the alterations of beaver dams to headwater streams in northeastern Connecticut, U.S.A., Geomorphology, Volume 205, 15 January 2014, Pages 36-50, ISSN 0169-555X.
Burghardt, K.T., M.A. Bradford, and O.J. Schmitz. 2018. Acceleration or deceleration of litter decomposition by herbivory depends on nutrient availability through intraspecific differences in plant defense expression. Journal of Ecology (in revision).
Corbin, J.D., and Thiet, R.K., 2020. Temperate biocrusts: mesic counterparts to their better-known dryland cousins. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18(8), pp.456-464. DOI:
Covey, K.R., Wood, S.A., Warren, R.J., Lee, X., Bradford, M.A., 2012, Elevated methane concentrations in trees of an upland forest. Geophysical Research Letters, 39.
Covey, K.R., de Mesquita, C.B., Oberle, B., Maynard, D.S., Bettigole, C., Crowther, T.W., Duguid, M.C., Steven, B., Zanne, A.E., Lapin, M. and Ashton, M.S., 2016. Greenhouse trace gases in deadwood. Biogeochemistry, 130(3), pp.215-226. doi:10.1007/s10533-016-0253-1
Crespi, Erica J., et al. “Geophysiology of Wood Frogs: Landscape Patterns of Prevalence of Disease and Circulating Hormone Concentrations across the Eastern Range.” Integrative and comparative biology 55.4 (2015): 602-617. DOI:
Dohna, H.Z. 2006. The distribution of eggs per host in a herbivorous insect – intersection of oviposition, dispersal and population dynamics. Journal of Animal Ecology 75: 387-398.
Ducey, M.J., W.K. Moser, & P.M.S. Ashton. 1995. Effect of fire intensity on understory composition and diversity in a Kalmia-dominated oak forest, New England, USA. Vegetatio 123: 81-90.
Duguid, M.C., Frey, B.R., Ellum, D.S., Kelty, M., Ashton, M.S. 2013. The influence of ground disturbance and gap position on understory plant diversity in upland forests of southern New England. Forest Ecology and Management 303: 148-159.
Duguid, M. C., Morrell, E. H., Goodale, E., & Ashton, M. S., 2016. Changes in breeding bird abundance and species composition over a 20 year chronosequence following shelterwood harvests in oak-hardwood forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 376, 221-230.
Diuk-Wasser, Maria A., et al. “Monitoring Human Babesiosis Emergence through Vector Surveillance New England, USA.” Emerging infectious diseases20.2 (2014): 225.
Ellum, D.S. 2009. Floristic diversity in managed forests: demography and physiology of understory plants following disturbance in southern New England forests. Journal of Sustainable Forests 28: 132-151.
Ellum, D.S., Ashton, M.S., and Siccama, T.G. 2010. Spatial pattern in herb diversity and abundance of second growth mixed deciduous-evergreen forest of southern New England, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 259: 1416-1426.
Evans, A.E., Urban, M.C. and Jockusch, E.L., 2020. Developmental temperature influences color polymorphism but not hatchling size in a woodland salamander. Oecologia, pp.1-10.
Evans, A. M. (2008). Growth and Infestation by Hemlock Wooly Adelgid of Two Exotic Hemlock Species in a New England Forest. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 26: 223-240.
Evans, A. M., and Gregoire, T.G. 2007. A Geographically Variable Model of HWA Spread. Biological Invasions. 9(4):369-382.
Evans, A. M., and Gregoire, T.G. 2007. The tree crown distribution of hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae (Hem., Adelgidae) from randomized branch sampling. Journal of Applied Entomology 131(1):26–33.
Fischer, A., Marshall, P., and Camp, A. 2013. Disturbances in deciduous temperate forest ecosystems of the northern hemisphere: their effects on both recent and future forest development. Biodiversity Conservation 22:1863-1893.
Freidenburg, L.K., and Skelly, D.K. 2004. Microgeographical variation in thermal preference by an amphibian. Ecology Letters 7: 369-373.
Frey, B.R., Ashton, M.S., McKenna, J.J., Ellum, D., and Finkral, A. 2007. Topographic and temporal patterns in tree seedling establishment, growth, and survival among masting species of southern New England mixed-deciduous forests. Forest Ecology and Management 245: 54-63.
Goodale, E., Lalbhai, P., Goodale, U. M., & Ashton, P. M. S. 2009. The relationship between shelterwood cuts and crown thinnings and the abundance and distribution of birds in a southern New England forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 258(3), 314-322.
Robert G. Goodby, R.G., Tremblay, S., & Bouras, E., 2014. The Swanzey fish dam: A large, precontact native american stone structure in southwestern New Hampshire. Northeast Anthropology No. 81-82: 1–22.
Grear, J.S., and Schmitz, O.J. 2005. Effects of grouping behavior and predators on the spatial distribution of a forest floor arthropod. Ecology 86: 960-971.
Guiliano, S.M., Karr, C.M., Sommer, N.R., and Buchkowski, R.W. 2020. Woodlice change the habitat use of spiders in a different food chain. PeerJ 8:e9184
Hall, Emily M., et al. “Evaluating environmental DNA‐based quantification of ranavirus infection in wood frog populations.” Molecular ecology resources 16.2 (2016): 423-433. DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12461
Hall, E. M., Steven P. Brady, Nichole M. Mattheus, Ryan L. Earley, Molly Diamond, Erica J. Crespi, Physiological consequences of exposure to salinized roadside ponds on wood frog larvae and adults, Biological Conservation, Volume 209, May 2017, Pages 98-106, ISSN 0006-3207,
Hall EM, Brunner JL, Hutzenbiler B, Crespi EJ. 2020 Salinity stress increases the severity of ranavirus epidemics in amphibian populations. Proc. R. Soc. B 287: 20200062.
Hanle, J., Duguid, M.C. and Ashton, M.S., 2020. Legacy forest structure increases bird diversity and abundance in aging young forests. Ecology and Evolution, 10(3), pp.1193-1208.
Halverson, M.A., Skelly, D.K., and Caccone, A. 2006. Inbreeding linked to amphibian survival in the wild but not in the laboratory. Journal of Heredity 97: 499-507.
Halverson, M.A., Skelly, D.K., and Caccone, A. 2006. Kin distribution of amphibian larvae in the wild. Molecular Ecology 15: 1139-1145.
Halverson, M.A., Skelly, D.K., Kiesecker, J.M., and Freidenburg, L.K. 2003. Forest mediated light regime linked to amphibian distribution and performance. Oecologia 134: 360-364.
Hawlena, D. and O.J. Schmitz. 2010. Herbivore physiological response to predation risk and implications for ecosystem nutrient dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 15503-15507.
Hawlena, D., Hughes K. M., and Schmitz O. J. 2011. Trophic trait plasticity in response to changes in resource availability and predation risk. Functional Ecology. 25 (4): 1-9.
Hawlena, D., H. Kress, E. Dufresne, and O.J. Schmitz. 2011. Grasshoppers alter jumping biomechanics to enhance escape performance under chronic risk of spider predation. Functional Ecology 25:279-288.
Hawlena, D., M.S. Strickland, M.A. Bradford, and O.J. Schmitz. 2012. Fear of predation slows litter decomposition. Science 336:1434-1438.
Hawley, R.C. 1921. The Practice of Silviculture. John Wiley & Sons, New York.352 p.
Hawley, R.C. 1929. The Practice of Silviculture. 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 335 p.
Hawley, R.C. 1935. The Practice of Silviculture. 3rd edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 340 p.
Hawley, R.C. 1937. The Practice of Silviculture. 4th edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 252 p.
Hawley, R.C. 1946. The Practice of Silviculture. 5th edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 354 p.
Herstoff, Emily, and Mark C. Urban. “Will pre‐adaptation buffer the impacts of climate change on novel species interactions?.” Ecography 37.2 (2014): 111-119.
Holgerson, Meredith A. “Drivers of carbon dioxide and methane supersaturation in small, temporary ponds.” Biogeochemistry 124.1-3 (2015): 305-318.
Holgerson, M.A., C.J. Zappa, P.A. Raymond. 2016. Substantial overnight reaeration by convective cooling discovered in pond ecosystems. Geophysical Research Letters 43: 8044-8051. DOI: 10.1002/2016GL070206
Holgerson, M.A., D.M. Post, and D.K. Skelly. 2016. Reconciling the role of terrestrial leaves in pond food webs: A whole-ecosystem experiment. Ecology 97: 1771-1782. DOI: 10.1890/15-1848.1
Holland, M.P., Skelly, D.K., Kashgarian, M., Bolden, S.R., Harrison, L.M., and Capello, M. 2007. Echinostome infection in green frogs (Rana clamitans) is stage and age dependent. Journal of Zoology 271: 455-462.
Joachim, D. and Goodale, E. 2007. On the use of cellular telephony for audio interaction with animals. Biology Letters 3: 603-606.
Kareiva, P., Skelly, D., and Ruckelshaus, M. 1997. Reevaluating the use of models to predict the consequences of habitat loss and fragmentation. In: The ecological basis of conservation: heterogeneity, ecosystem function, and biodiversity. (Pickett, S.T.A., R.S. Ostfeld, M. Shachak, and G.E. Likens, Eds.) 156-166 pp. Chapman and Hall, New York.
Kelty, M.J. 1986. Developmental patterns in two hemlock-hardwood stands in southern New England. Can. J. For. Res. 16:885-891.
Kelty, M.J., Larson, B.C., and Oliver, C.D.(eds.). 1992. The Ecology and Silviculture of Mixed- Species Forests. Kluwer Academic Publ. Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 287 p.
Kinahan, Ian G.; Grandstaff, Gabrielle; Russell, Alana; Rigsby, Chad M.; Casagrande, Richard A.; Preisser, Evan L. 2020. “A Four-Year, Seven-State Reforestation Trial with Eastern Hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis) Resistant to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae).” Forests 11, no. 3: 312.
Kiesecker, J.M., and Skelly, D.K. 2000. Choice of oviposition site by gray treefrogs, Hyla versicolor: the role of potential parasitic infection. Ecology 81: 2939-2943.
Kiesecker, J.M., and Skelly, D.K. 2001. Effects of disease and pond drying on gray tree frog growth, development, and survival. Ecology 82: 1956-1963.
Kiesecker, J.M., Skelly, D.K., Beard, K.H., and Preisser, E. 1999. Behavioral reduction of infection risk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 96: 9165-9168.
Kittredge, D.B. 1988. The influence of species composition on the growth of individual red oaks in mixed stands in southern New England. Can. J. For. Res. 18: 1550- 1555.
Kittredge, D.B., and Ashton, P.M.S. 1990. Patterns of regeneration in mixed-species stands in southern New England. Northern J. Applied For. 5:132-144.
Kittredge, D.B., and Ashton, P.M.S. 1995. Impacts of deer browse on regeneration in mixed-species stands in southern New England. Northern J. Applied For. 12: 115-120.
Kittredge, D.B., Kelty, M.J., and Ashton, M.S. 1992. The use of tree shelters with northern red oak natural regeneration in southern New England. Northern J. Applied For. 9:141-145.
Kolozsvary, M. B., and M. A. Holgerson. “Creating Temporary Pools as Wetland Mitigation: How Well Do They Function?.” Wetlands (2016): 1-11.
Lambert, M.R., Tran, T., Kilian, A., Ezaz, T. and Skelly, D.K., 2019. Molecular evidence for sex reversal in wild populations of green frogs (Rana clamitans). PeerJ, 7, p.e6449.
Ligon, N. F., and Skelly, D.K. 2009. Cryptic divergence: counter gradient variation in the wood frog. Evolutionary Ecology Research 11:1099-1109.
Liptzin, D., and Ashton, P.M.S. 1999. Early successional stand dynamics of single-aged mixed hardwood stands in southern New England forest, USA. For. Ecol. Mgt. 116: 141-150.
Long, M. D., 2017. The Field Experiences for Science Teachers (FEST) Program: Involving Connecticut High School Science Teachers in Field Seismology. Seismological Research Letters, 88 (2A), 421-429, DOI:10.1785/0220160162
Long, M. D., 2015. Seismic Experiment for Imaging Structure Beneath Connecticut. International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks. Other/Seismic Network. DOI: 10.7914/SN/XP_2015
Lutz, H.J., and Chandler, R.F. 1946. Forest Soils. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 514 p.
McCarter, J.B., Wilson, J.S., Baker, P.J., Moffett, J.L., and Oliver, C.D. Oliver. 1998. Landscape management through integration of existing tools and emerging technologies. J. For. 96: 17-24.
Meyer, W.H., and Plusnin, B.A. 1945. The Yale Forest in Tolland and Windham Counties, Connecticut. Yale Sch. For. Bull. 55.
Miller, J. R. B., Ament, J. M., Schmitz, O. J. (2014), Fear on the move: predator hunting mode predicts variation in prey mortality and plasticity in prey spatial response. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83: 214–222.
Moser, W.K., Ducey, M.J., and Ashton, P.M.S. 1996. Effects of fire intensity on competitive dynamics between red and black oaks and mountain laurel. Northern J. Applied For. 13: 115-120.
Mossman, A., Lambert, M.R., Ashton, M.S., Wikle, J. and Duguid, M.C., 2019. Two salamander species respond differently to timber harvests in a managed New England forest. PeerJ, 7, p.e7604.
Nuñez, Hector R., and Roland C. de Gouvenain. “Seasonal Variation in Understory Light Near a Gap Edge and its Association with Conifer Seedling Survival in a Southern New England Forest.” Northeastern Naturalist 22.3 (2015): 613-629.
Oliver, C.D. 1978. The development of northern red oak in mixed stands in central New England. Yale Sch. For. & Env. Studies Bull. 91.
Oliver, C.D., and Larson, B.C. 1990. Forest Stand Dynamics. McGraw-Hill, New York. 467 p.
Ovadia, O., and Schmitz, O.J. 2002. Linking individuals with ecosystems: experimentally identifying the relevant organizational scale for predicting trophic abundances. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences 99: 12927-12931.
Ovadia, O., and Schmitz, O.J. 2004. Weather variation and trophic interaction strength: sorting the signal from the noise. Oecologia 140: 398-406.
Prats, K.A., and Brodersen, C.R. 2020. Seasonal coordination of leaf hydraulics and gas exchange in a wintergreen fern. AoB PLANTS 12(6): 1-13.
Richardson, J.L., and M.C. Urban. 2013. Strong selection barriers explain microgeographic adaptation in wild salamander populations. Evolution 21 (In Press).
Richardson, J.L. 2012. Divergent landscape effects on population connectivity in two co-occurring amphibian species. Molecular Ecology 21(18): 4437-4451.
Richardson, J.L., M.C. Urban, D. Bolnick, and D.K. Skelly. 2014. Microgeographic adaptation and the spatial scale of evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 29:165-176.
Rosenblatt, A.E., Crowley, B.T., and Schmitz, O.J. 2016. Linking trophic interactions to plasticity in thermal sensitivity of geographically separated populations of a herbivore. Evolutionary Ecologydoi 10.1007/s10682-016-9827-6.
Rothley, K.D., Schmitz, O.J., and Cohon, J.L. 1997. Foraging to balance conflicting demands: novel insights from grasshoppers under predation risk. Behavioral Ecology 8: 551-559.
Russo, N.J., Elphick, C.S., Havill, N.P. et al. 2019. Spring bird migration as a dispersal mechanism for the hemlock woolly adelgid. Biol Invasions 21, 1585–1599.
Schmitz, O.J. 1994. Resource edibility and trophic exploitation in an old-field food web. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 91: 5364-5367.
Schmitz, O.J. 1997. Press perturbations and the predictability of ecological interactions in a food web. Ecology 78: 222-236
Schmitz, O.J. 1998. Direct and indirect effects of predation and predation risk in old-field interaction webs. American Naturalist 151: 327-342.
Schmitz, O.J. 2000. Combining field experiments with individual-based modeling to identify the dynamically-relevant organizational scale in a field system. Oikos 89: 471-484.
Schmitz, O.J. 2003. Top predator control of plant biodiversity and productivity in an old-field ecosystem. Ecology Letters 6: 156-163.
Schmitz, O.J. 2004. Perturbation and abrupt shift in trophic control of biodiversity and productivity. Ecology Letters 7: 403-409.
Schmitz, O.J. 2005. Scaling from plot experiments to landscapes: studying grasshoppers to inform forest ecosystem management. Oecologia 145: 225-234.
Schmitz, O.J. 2006. Predators have large effects on ecosystem properties by changing plant diversity, not plant biomass. Ecology 87: 1432-1437.
Schmitz O.J. 2007. Predator diversity and trophic interactions. Ecology 88:2415-2426.
Schmitz, O.J. 2008. Effects of predator hunting mode on grassland ecosystem function. Science 319:952-954.
Schmitz, O.J. 2009. Effects of predator functional diversity on grassland ecosystem function. Ecology 90: 2339-2345.
Schmitz, O.J., 2019. Predators affect competitors’ coexistence through fear effects. Nature, 570(7759), p.43.
Schmitz, O.J., and Litman, S. 1997. Herbivore adaptive foraging and the structure and dynamics of a simple plant-herbivore community. Evolutionary Ecology 11: 773-784.
Schmitz, O.J., and Sokol-Hessner, L. 2002. Linearity in the aggregate effects of multiple predators in a food web. Ecology Letters 5: 168-172.
Schmitz, O.J., Suttle, K.B. 2001. Effects of top predator species on the direct and indirect interactions in a food web. Ecology 82: 2072-2081.
Schmitz, O.J., Beckerman, A.P., and O’Brian, K.M. 1997. Behaviorally-mediated trophic cascades: the effects of predation risk on food web interactions. Ecology 78: 1388-1399
Schmitz, O.J., R.W. Buchkowski, J.R. Smith, M. Telthorst, A.E. Rosenblatt. 2017. Predator community composition is linked to soil carbon retention across a human land use gradient. Ecology 98:1256-1265 DOI: 10.1002/ecy.1794
Schmitz, O.J., Hamback, P., and Beckerman, A.P. 2000. Trophic cascades in terrestrial systems: a review of the effect of top predator removals on plants. American Naturalist 155: 141-153.
Schmitz, O.J., Kalies, E.L., and Booth, M.G. 2006. Alternative dynamic regimes and trophic control of plant succession. Ecosystems 9: 659-672.
Schmitz, O.J., Bradford, M.A., Strickland, M.S., and Hawlena, D. 2013. Linking predation risk, herbivore physiological stress and microbial decomposition of plant litter. Journal of Visualized Experiments 73: e50061. doi:10.3791/50061.
Schmitz, O.J., A.E. Rosenblatt, and M. Smylie. 2016. Temperature dependence of predation stress and the nutritional ecology of a generalist herbivore. Ecology 97: 3119-3130. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.1524
Semlitsch, R.D., and Skelly, D.K. 2007. Ecology and conservation of pool-breeding amphibians. In Calhoun, A., and deMaynadier, P. (Eds.) Science and Conservation of Vernal Pools in Northeastern North America. CRC Press, pp. 127-147.
Seymour, R.S., and Smith, D.M. 1987. A new stocking guide formulation applied to eastern white pine. For. Sci. 33:469-484.
Skelly, D.K. 1997. Tadpole communities. American Scientist 85: 36-45.
Skelly, D. K. 2001. Distributions of pond-breeding anurans: an overview of mechanisms. Israel Journal of Zoology 47:313-332. [Special issue on the Ecology of Temporary Pools]
Skelly, D.K. 2002. Experimental venue and estimation of interaction strength. Ecology 83: 2097-2101.
Skelly, D.K., 2004. Microgeographic countergradient variation in the wood frog, Rana sylvatica. Evolution 58: 160-165.
Skelly, D.K. 2005. Experimental venue and estimation of interaction strength: reply. Ecology 86: 1068-1071.
Skelly, D.K., and Freidenburg, L.K. 2000. Effects of beaver on the thermal biology of an amphibian. Ecology Letters 3: 483-486.
Skelly, D.K., and Golon, J. 2003. Assimilation of natural benthic substrates by two species of tadpoles. Herpetologica 59: 37-42.
Skelly, D.K., and Kiesecker, J.M. 2001. Venue and outcome in ecological experiments: manipulations of larval anurans. Oikos 94: 198-208.
Skelly, D.K., Freidenburg, L.K., and Kiesecker, J.M. 2002. Forest canopy and the performance of larval amphibians. Ecology 83: 983-992.
Skelly, D.K., Halverson, M.A., Freidenburg, L.K., and Urban, M.C. 2005. Canopy closure and amphibian diversity in forested wetlands. Wetlands Ecology and Management 13: 261-268.
Skelly, D. K., Bolden, S. R., Holland, M. P., Freidenburg, L. K., Freidenfelds, N. A., and Malcolm, T. R. 2006. Urbanization and disease in amphibians. Pages 153 to 167 in S. K. Collinge and C. Ray (Eds.) Disease ecology: community structure and pathogen dynamics. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0198567081.
Skelly, D.K., Bolden, S.R., Freidenburg, K., Freidenfelds, N.A., and Levey, R. 2007. Ribeiroia infection is not responsible for Vermont amphibian deformities. EcoHealth 4: 156-163.
Skelly, D.K., Bolden, S.R. and Freidenburg, L.K. 2014. Experimental canopy removal enhances diversity of vernal pond amphibians. Ecological Applications 24:340-345.
Smith, D. M. 1962. The Practice of Silviculture (7th Edition) John Wiley & Sons. New York. 578 p.
Smith, D.M. 1986. The Practice of Silviculture. (8th edition) John Wiley & Sons. New York. 527 p.
Smith, D.M., and Ashton, P.M.S. 1993. Early dominance of pioneer hardwood after clearcutting and removal of advanced regeneration. Northern J. Applied For. 10:14-19.
Smith, D.M., Larson, B.C., Kelty, M.J., and Ashton, P.M.S. Ashton. 1997. The Practice of Silviculture: Applied Forest Ecology. 9th edition, Wiley & Sons, New York 537 p.
Smith, J.R. and O.J. Schmitz. 2015. Cascading ecological effects of landscape moderated arthropod diversity. Oikos.
Strickland, M.S., Hawlena, D., Reese, A., Bradford, M.A., and Schmitz, O.J. 2013. Trophic cascade alters ecosystem carbon exchange. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA. vol 110 no. 27.
Strickland MS, McCulley RL, Nelson JA, Bradford MA. Compositional differences in simulated root exudates elicit a limited functional and compositional response in soil microbial communities. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2015;6:817. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.00817.
Sokol-Hessner, L., and Schmitz, O.J. 2002. Aggregate effects of multiple predator species on a shared prey. Ecology 83: 2367-2372.
Sommer, N.R. and Schmitz, O.J. 2020. Differences in prey personality mediate trophic cascades. Ecology and Evolution 10(17): 9538-9551.
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